Office hours 9am-5pm Mon-Fri*
*Closed Statutory Holdiays
SInce 1993

Is it possible to make up a missed classroom session and still receive my insurance reduction certificate? If so, how?
Make up the night at the next session in your town or another town where we offer courses at no cost. If that does not work we can work out a private lesson for a additional fee.
What constitutes a passing grade for the classroom portion of a course that I take from Regent Driving School?
How many times can I rewrite the exam for the classroom training?
You can rewrite the exam twice. If you fail to get 80% on your third attempt on the exam, you will need to attend another 15 hour classroom session.
What is the cost to write the classroom exam?
Yo must schedule it with the instructor of your course. Contact us for more information. As of January 1, 2022 cost is $30+gst. If we need to rent a classroom to do the Re-write cost will be more.
When will I be notified to start my in-vehicle lessons?
Within two weeks of completing the classroom portion of the course. We will send out a link for you to book your own drive times. Weather permitting and as long as the day fills up completely.
What is the passing grade for the in-vehicle portion of the driving course from Regent Driving School?
If I do not achieve a passing grade within the allotted 10 hours of in-vehicle instruction, what are my options?
Extra lessons are available at additional cost. Students that are considered in danger of failing are encouraged to practice at home. All students are required to practice for every hour you spend with an instructor its recommended you do 2-3hours at home. 60hrs of town driving is recommended before taking a road test. This will ensure a better result on a road test.
Does driver training include my road test for getting my drivers license?
No, the Government of Alberta grants you a Class 5 GDL driving license after you take a basic road test that must be booked online with Alberta Transportation. https://albertadriverexaminer.ca/
When can I drive for my 10 hours of on-road course training?
Anytime during the day as long as your not missing a high school core subject. If you miss a core subject, you MUST have parent/gaurdian permissioin.
How long will it take to complete my in-vehicle portion of the training?
It can take up to 3 months or 4months, depending on your availability & instructor availability, weather & illness can make the process longer. You have one year from the start date of the course (classroom portion) to complete the entire course. Otherwise it expires and you have to start over.
Does passing the registry basic road-test give me a class 5 driver's license?
No, it will give you a probationary license (class 5GDL). You need to be suspension free for 12 consecutive months and no fines at the time of your advanced road test.
What is re-classing my license and why would I want that?
Re-classing is the term used to describe moving your license from class 7 GDL to class 5 GDL and from class 5 GDL to a regular class 5. Each class of license comes with its own set of restrictions.
What do I do with my Course Completion Certificate once I get it from you?
Photocopy it. The registry will keep the original copy we give you so you will want to give a copy to your insurance company to receive your discount. Please make an extra photocopy for your own records.
If I pass the road test do I need to still complete the 15hrs classroom & 10hrs driving?
What will the amount of insurance discount be?
Insurance is based on the vehicle you are insuring and the drivers driving record. You will have to phone for quotes. However, insurance companies can give you 3 years driving experience with the certificate. But if you are insuring a fairly new vehicle you will most likely not see a discount. Each insurance company has different rates and criteria based and the coverage you request. I do recommend Western Financial Group as they have been giving our students reasonable rates.
The standard for passing driver training is much higher than a basic road test. To qualify for an insurance reduction certificate you must do both classroom & driving and pass both. Even if you pass a road test you must meet the minimum standard set by Alberta Transportation or our school will not issue a certificate. Discuss with your instructor/school office to figure out how to obtain this certificate for cheaper insurance. Students that pass a road test will still need to practice in order to pass the course.
Do I have to Practice between lessons?
Do you offer online option for the classroom portion?
NO Regent Driving School doesn't offer an online course for the classroom portion. You are welcome to seek out a driving school listed with Alberta Transportation that offers this. However, if you do the 10hrs driving with us we do REQUIRE a copy of the results in order to issue a certificate. If this is you please call or email for details to make sure you are requesting the proper documents that we require. To make sure there is not delay for you.
All students are required to practice between lessons to ensure they get the most out of their training with us. Alberta Transportation recommends for every hour you spend with an instructor you spend 2-3hrs practicing what the instructor taught you. Town driving is where your road test will be so this is where the student should be practicing. 60hrs of town driving is recommended before booking a road test.